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The history of Alconbria is highly debated among scholars and historians, but is believed to have started sometime around 3500 BC.

Early history

Evidences suggest that areas near Gvonn have been occupied since 3500 BCE, a fact supported by the discovery of an ancient script in outskirts of the town of Casavare, which is believed to be the capital city of the Inchones, possibly one of the oldest civilization in the Americas.

Several Mayan artifacts were also found in the areas of former Altivebrio, suggesting a Mayan occuptation at one point.

Pre-Colombian history

By 750 CE, the lands of Alconbria housed two kingdoms; namely the Beiljio Kingdom of the Beiljio people and the Kingdom of Injeria, ruled by the Injerio people. The empires mostly survived on farming and cultivation, along with traditional hunting-gathering.

The Beiljio Kingdom split into two sometime around 800s, resulting in two new states: Verdi Beiljio and Nerdi Beiljio. The Injeria Kingdom allied itself with the Verdi Beiljio, and from 924 till 989, Verdi Beiljio & Injeria fought the First Beiljio War against the Nerdi Beiljio, with the latter winning the war. After the war, the Beiljios began heading northwards in search of gold, and ended up settling in western North America, returning 100 years later with gold.


Greatest extent of the Nerdi Beiljio kingdon, c.1505

In the fourteenth century, the Nerdi Beiljios overcame their fear of sailing; and went on successfull expeditions to the Caribbean. They discovered Cuba, and began to settle there, and started their fishing industry.Subsequently, tensions worsened and the Second Beiljio War began in 1402, and Nerdi Beiljio emerged as the victors yet again, after succesfully defeating both Verdi Beiljio and the Kingdom of Injeria, and continued their territorial expansion till the banks of the Pacific Ocean.

Age of Discovery & Spanish conquest

The first Spanish explorers landed in Alconbria in 1496. Spanish explorer Diego de las Alas, inspired and guided by Christopher Colombus, reached the Koikas island on 12 December, 1496. On 13 September, 1497 he arrived at Grifavico, the capital of the Kingdom of Nerdi Beiljio, and along with his men, stayed there as merchants for four months, mingling with the starstruck natives and introducing them technologies from the Old World.

Pedro Javier de Ojeda's armada arrived from Spain sometime in 1505. The Spaniards killed the Beiljio king, Jifmitec and established his step-son Contifec as the king, hoping to rule through him. In 1506, Contifec found out that Spaniards were brining their army into their country and then heard of the plans of killing him, so he rebelled against Ojeda. However, with no immunity against Eurasian diseases, Contifec's army lost, and the Beiljio kingdom surrendered to Ojeda. Contifec was arrest, and publicly humiliated as a warning to other Mesoamerican tribes. Similarly, Ojeda captured the Incan stronghold of Techtatitlan, and established the Spanish Governorate of Neuva Catalonia in 1506, with himself as the governor.

Ojeda oversaw a rapid expansion in Spanish territory, and by 1520 controlled most of what was the Mesoamerica. Ojeda returned to Spain in 1521, and the Governorate was changed into the Viceroyalty of New Catalonia, with Tomás Gonzalo de Gálvez as the first Viceroy in 1521, and became a part of Spanish America.

Colonial Period

The Beiljio kingdoms soon came to be known as 'New Catalonia'. de Ojeda requested King Charles V to send in evangelical missionaries and friars to convert the local population into Christianity.

During the War of the League of Cambrai in 1520, the Spanish conquestidator forces attacked the French colonies in Central America, and managed to drive the French out and captured the colony's main city of Morais in the same year.

The remaining of the Beiljios, who escaped the colonial conquest attacked Gvonn and briefly occupied it, before being slaughtered by Ojeda's forces.

By 1529, over five hundred thousand beiljios had died, either through mass pillaging; or through lack of immunity against Eurasian diseases. The surviving natives were forced by the Spaniards to do heavy manual labour and farmers, were relocated to smaller 'settlements' and were prevented from entering their cities or their places of worship. High-level administrative, as well as government offices were held by Spaniards who crossed the Atlantic to get here.

Colonial Alconbria had key elements to attract Spanish immigrants: (1) dense and politically complex indigenous populations (especially in the central part) that could be compelled to work, and (2) huge mineral wealth, especially major gold and silver deposits. The Viceroyalty of Peru and Viceroyalty of New Spain also had those two important elements, so that New Catalonia, New Spain and Peru were the seats of Spanish power and the source of its wealth, until other viceroyalties were created in Spanish South America in the late 18th century.

From an economic point of view, New Catalonia was administered principally for the benefit of the Empire and its military and defensive efforts. New Catalonia provided more than half of the Empire taxes and supported the administration of all North and Central America. Competition with the metropolis was discouraged; for example cultivation of grapes and olives, introduced by Ojeda himself, was banned out of fear that these crops would compete with Spain's.

In 1533, a hospital was constructed in Gvonn which provided medical treatment only to the Spaniards, and in some cases, high ranking natives, but was off-limits for the Indians. A huge wave of Indians protested outside the hospital for healthcare, and were shot dead by the Spanish Army. In retaliation, the natives stormed in, and razed the building, and subsequently began to storm into several other government buildings, leading to the 1533 Gvonn riots, which left approximately 500 natives dead.

In 1556, the Spanish government constructed a public school, hospital and library for 'all residents of New Catalonia', but they were still segregated nonetheless. Though the schools initially taught native languages, in 1560 it was decided that only Spanish would be taught, along with special classes in Christianity, hygiene and sciences.

Spain began constructing several forts, castles, churches and convents; though most of them were razed during the subsequent wars which plagued the land. The surviving ones are mostly UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Alconbrian waters saw the naval action between Spain and England during the Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604) and the Anglo-Spanish War (1625–1630). Gvonn was under a blockade for four months during both the wars, but was freed by the Spanish Armada. The Castillo de Lara y Monterrego was constructed in Alcacer in 1619, which at it's construction was the world's most fortified and largest fort.

Evolution of the Alconbrian race

By 1550, New Catalonia had several European setlers. The most prominent among them were intellectuals and 'radicals' who fled persecution from Europe, and landed in New Catalonia. These settlers, who were armed secured a treaty with Viceroy Tomás Gonzalo de Gálvez for a small patch of land where they would build their city and pay taxes to the Spanish crown. By 1549, over 1 million of these people arrived in Unforto.

However, most of the settlers were predominantly male, and there were only a hundred or so females compared to a thousand males. To continue their bloodlines, they began breeding and mixing with the surviving natives. Unlike the mestizos, these people displayed more European traits, and stayed out of contact of the Spaniards. The settler's dominant traits soon overshadowed the native's traits, and sixth generation children began to completely resemble their European ancestors.

Hispanic Wars of Independence

Main article: Altivebrian War of Independence

Inspired by the American and Mexican Wars of Independence, the people of present day Alconbria revolted against the colonial authority of Spain. The revolutionaries, though most of them were Altivebrians were led by the Freedom Coalition, which in turn was headed by an Alconbrian, Lázaro Almonte Lombardo who would later become the first President of Altivebrio.


Battle of Alcacer c.1825

The war of independence began in Puerto Rosa, when the Spanish army attacked an Altivebrian-controlled fort, destroying it's munittions depot and killing over 300 revolutionary soldiers. Following this, Lombardo and his contingent of 1000 men marched into the Spanish held city of San Lorenzo, killing the Spanish officials. Lombardo and his men drove away the Spanish forces from the Grasacurva peninsula in 1823. The Viceroy of New Catalonia, Juan Antonio de Velasco was killed by the revolutionaries in 1823.

The revolutionaries were helped by the French, as well as the Americans in fighting against the Spanish, and in building Altivebrio's navy. The Freedom Coalition undertook several successfull military campaigns, managing to drive the Spaniards away from most of New Catalonia. In 1828, the King Ferdinand VII withdraw New Catalonia as a viceroyalty, and urged all Spanish civilians and military personnel to return back to Spain, or go to Cuba. The Decleration of Independence was signed in 1822, was accepted by the Spaniards on July 1, 1828. The last of the Spanish troops left on 7 August, 1828, a day which is celebrated in both Altivebrio and Alconbria as 'Evacuation Day'.

Alconbria gained independece in 1828, and joined with Guaterio and South Yucatan States to form the Union of Altivebrio.

Altivebrian period

Most of modern day Alconbria was under control of the newly formed Union of Altivebrio. This led to widespread integration of the Alconbrians with the remaining Spaniards, other natives and mestizos. Alconbrians began to spread around, and in 1849, over 2 million of them lived in the city of Gvonn; and 1 million in Alcacer and Realos.

During the days of the Altivebrian Empire beginning from 1834, Alconbrians began to migrate around the world en masse. More than 500,000 Alconbrians reached the United States of America by 1836, while others moved as farmers and soldiers to Europe, particularly Spain, Portugal, France, Dutch Republic, Prussia and the United Kingdom.

Alconbrian soldier of the Altivebrio Revolutionary Army Juan Matteo Rerke unsuccessfully tried to assassinate King Tomás in 1840, resulting in isolation of the Alconbrians by the kingdom. King Tomás ordered the schools to stop teaching the Alconbrian language, and wanted to spend the efforts in propagating Spanish. In 1842, the Polvo Decree enacted by King Tomás attempted to segregate the Alconbrians from the Altivebrians, moving the minority Alconbrian population to the Northern Territory, and prevented the Alconbrians from buying land elsewhere.

In 1850, the Governor of the State of Alconbria Miguel Ferrensias decided to join with Mexico, and held a referendum, which received overwhelmingly positive votes. Mexico agreed to incorporate Alconbria within's it's territories, following the secession of several territories after it's defeat in the Mexican-American War, but King Tomás refused to secede Alconbria, and sent his army to occupy the state of Alconbria. In response, the Mexican President Mariano Diaz Carerra sent the Mexican army to capture the territories of the Alconbrians in conjecture with Ferrensias' militia, resulting in the First Altivebrian-Mexican War, which lasted for two years till the Altivebrians emerged victorious, retaining the land, but allowing Alconbrian immigration into Mexico. Though they were free to do so, only 3000 or so Alconbrians actually moved into Mexico, owing to the language barrier and the humiliating defeat.


Preparations of celebration after the monarchy is overthrown in 1872.

King Tomás's step-son and successor, King Carlos had in iron fist in undermining any sorts of attempts of Alconbrian sovereignty. King Carlos made Christianity the official religion of Altivebrio in 1869, and removed all Alconbrians from holding administrative positions, and expanded the Spanish military presence previously allowed by his step-father. King Carlos also profited from the slave trade, even though Spain banned it. Poverty all around Altivebrio was an all-time high, as well as lack of political or economical freedom and high amounts of police brutality. This events led to the First Altivebrian Revolution, led by half-Alconbrian Alfonso de Maroto, which began in 1870, and ended two years later in 1872; with the monarchy aboloshied and the death of the Altivebrian Empire, and the final end of Spanish influence in the region. Though the Revolutionary Army managed to capture and execute King Carlos, Spanish ally Marcantonio Barbarigo managed to flee to Spain. de Marato sent an order to the Spanish Empire to extradite Barbarigo to Altivebrio, but was declined by the Spanish authorities.

Origins of Anti-Alconbrianism

However, the revolution left the nation in political instability, with various revolutionaries turning against each other; keen on gaining control of Altivebrio. de Maroto was arrested and impeached in 1873, and died in prison in 1879. His successor Gonzalo Amadeo de la Moro was also killed, resulting in a nationwide political instability, and a nation-wide famine, in which nearly 700,000 were killed. A provisional government was established by the Democratic Alliance, with the alliance's newest leader Benito Portillo serving as President. Benito, seizing the opportunity gathered a loyal military force and crowned himself Dictator for Life.

Rjeve Mersfivo and Mauricio Vfrez, two Alconbrian members of the Democratic Alliance protested against Portillo, and went around preaching how un-democratic Portillo's alliance was. In 1890, nearly 90% of the Alconbrian population protested against Portillo, but only 25% of the other Altivebrians did so. Keen on keeping power, Portillo spead anti-Alconbrian hate propaganda, turning Altivebrians against the Alconbrians, spreading anti-Alconbrianism; as well as politically, socially and economically isolated the Alconbrians, beginning the Persecution of Alconbrians.

Partial statehood attempts

In 1888, the Alconbrian Society of England managed to convince high-ranking officers of the British Empire to invade Altivebrio, which at that time was under Portillo's provisional government. The British attacked believed to capture the vast mines of silver and gold located in Altivebrio's Northern Territory, but in reality, the Alconbrian Society wanted Britain to take away territories equivalent to the previous Governorate of Alconbria to help the Alconbrians live peacefully without being second class citizens in Altivebrio. The resultant Anglo-Altivebrian War was fought for 8 years, till it ended in a stalemate following the signing of the Treaty of Belize on May 19, 1894.


Nordahaveno, c. 1895

60% of the territory captured by the British and Birvestoj advances would transform to the British colony of British Altivebrio, with ASE member Crawford Earl as its governor.

However in 1900, Raymond Blaitwaite wrote to his superiors that British rule over Altivebrio wasn't economically viable, and on the suggestions of the ASE, called for British Altivebrio's independence. However, Nicolás Ruiz Portillo wasn't happy with Alconbria gaining independence, and threatened to invade British Altivebrio and annex it into Altivebrio. Portillo was said to meet with Richard Talbot and Blaitwaite in London to discuss the issue, but before the meeting could take place, Amelia Bankwyn payed $500,000,000 ($13.7 billion in 2017 dollars) to the Colonial Office, effectively purchasing British Altivebrio. As per the agreements, British Altivebrio would turn into the Protectorate of Alconbria, which was the personal property of Bankwyn. Unamused, Portillo invaded Alconbria again, resulting in a massive defeat, forcing Portillo to accept the new changes.


Carlos Novella (extreme left), with Raul DaCosta and Francesco Novella, c.1919

Inspired by the socialist revolution in Russia, Carlos Novella, a political theorist and an advent supporter of Marxist-Leninism orchastrated the Second Altivebrian Revolution, establishing a communist government. He declined to recognize the purchase of Alconbria by Amelia Bankwyn, and claimed the protectorate was a genuine part of Altivebrio. However the communist government was short lived, as Novella was betrayed by his close revolutionaries, who had him killed and seized power, finally establishing a democratic government in the country after 91 years. The betrayal was organized by the CIA under the orders of Montgomery Lodge.

In 1924, military general Miguel de Odeo, who too seized power after political instability began spreading Anti-Alconbrian hate, blaming them for the country's problems. He invaded an annexed the protectorate in one of the largest invasions in history, killing over 500,000 Alconbrian civilians. By this time, over 40% of the Alconbrian population migrated elsewhere. The British declined to intervene, much to the disappointment of the Alconbrians.

In 1939, Alconbrian and Fascist Party of Altivebrio leader Bartolomé Tirano seized power in coup d'état. Tirano's fascist regime greatly improved the standard of living, as well as the military and the economy in sacrifice of civil rights and political liberties. Tirano closely aligned himself with the Axis, and as a result Altivebrio got bombed during World War II. Tirano invaded and sucessfully captured Mexico in 1943 to invade the United States, but after the German and Japanese defeat backed down. Subsequently, the Allies invaded Altivebrio with the aid of American-allied rebels within the country itself, resulting in the Second Altivebrian Civil War. The fascist forces were defeated after the three-month Battle of New Seville, and Tirano committed suicide on 30 November, 1946.

The Alconbrian Movement began in 1951, which was met with disdain and hostility by the Altivebrian population.

Alconbrians were blamed for the embarassment of having a fascist dictator, as well as getting the country invaded, and the political persecution of Alconbrians began, which was boosted when Delphia de Odeo y Guardiola assumed the role as Vice President, but in reality used the Presidents as her puppets to run a dictatorship. Putting her extremist agenda upfront, she began the La Limpieza, which aimed at the ethnic cleansing of Alconbrians. Alconbrians were moved to Pocilgas, lived under military rule and were deprived of their basic human rights. The Alconbrian population declined by nearly 50% from 1953 till the end of the La Limpieza in 1972.

The Organizo Rezizto el Alconbria, which aimed at freeing the Alconbrians kidnapped Delphia, before torturing and killing her. President Emiliano Vincento Huizar began the reconciliation process, and Alconbrians were allowed to move back in.


Main article: Alconbrian War of Independence

Territorial expansion of the Territory of Alconbria (red)

In 1984, newly elected President Felipe de Curtis began movements similar to those of Delphia's, but less extermist, depreving Alconbrians of some of their liberties and rights. Fed up, Antonio Durán and Emmanuel Jimenez united all Alconbrian political and militant organizations under the banner of the Alconbria Liberation Council, and took control of the town of Los Guez, starting the Alconbrian War of Independence; establishing the Territory of Alconbria which would later become the Federal State of Alconbria.

Initially, the Soviet Union supported both the parties involved in the conflict, by sending weaponry and logistics, but in 1985, conservative Altivebrian President Marcelo Vargas signed the Edelman-Martinez Agreement, which forced Altivebrio to withdraw the support it received from the Soviet Union, and made it buy advanced American weapons for a higher cost, which would be delivered by Israel, and the extra funds would go to fund the Iran–Contra affair. Provoked by the recent developments, the Soviet Union began sending arms and logistics to the Alconbria Liberation Council, and trained the Military of Alconbria soldiers.

After the Domonstrojes Riots which happened between June and November 1986, the ALC captured plenty of terrioty in Domonstrojes, Northern Altivebrio. Meanwhile, the Military of Alconbria captured Olefiero on October 1986. The Alconbrian forces began capturing territory on the Guatemalan side of the Rodriguez Line, but neither the US Army or the Guatemalan Army were able to drive them out. Their attacks on the other side of the Rodriguez Line intensified after the entente with the Soviet Union.

Following the Battle of New Estralles, the ALC managed to capture a small exclave in Central Altivebrio.

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, leaving Mexico as the sole Alconbrian ally. Seizing this oppurtunity, hard right Altivebrian President Xavi Kohler began clamping down on the Alconbrians, launching airstrikes on Alconbrian- held cities, and reclaiming 40% of the lost territory, however, he was accused of war crimes. Even though a panel loyal to him found him innocent, the United Nations didn't agree and passed a UNSC resolution condemning the excessive use of force in Altivebrio. Seeing more potential in the Alconbria Liberation Council and wanting to the fill the void left by the Soviet Union, the United States agreed to supply weapons and transfer technology to the Alconbrians, passing the Corporal Plan which helped the Alconbrians.

In 1991, Antonio Durán was assassinated by the SNI, and Paul del Santé assumed his role as the Chief of the Alconbria Liberation Council.

The US recognized the Territory of Alconbria as a soverign country in 1991, followed by the European Union, Israel, the Arab League, Mexico, Nicaragua and Canada.

After the exit of the United States, Israel and Nicaragua, Guatemala signed a peace treaty with the Alconbrian Liberation Council in 1993, as the leftist guerilla forces began capturing more territory during the Guatemalan Civil War.

From 1995, Alconbria began mass producing it's own weapons, artillery, civic services and established several hospitals and universities, under mass funding provided by USA, Canada, and the EU. Alconbria also began donating food and medicine to Cuba after it's economic failure in the 90s, a move which the United States opposed.

By 1998, the Territory of Alconbria constituted more than 50% of Altivebrio's original territory, and around 25% of Guatemala's territory, and had an aggressive policy which favored Altivebrian civilian causalities to persuade the Altivebrians to give up. By 2000, the Military of Alconbria had been guilty of over a hundred massacres, and began excessive bombings of civilian areas, and forced detention of Altivebrians.

Alconbria reached it's greatest extent in 2007, and Paul del Santé wanted to fully conquer Altivebrio, but the Americans prevented him from doing so, and instead brokered the Gvonn Pact, and Alconbria gave some of it's territory to Altivebrio and returned nearly 600,000 prisoners.

Alconbria won the war, and formally gained independence on April 1, 2008 after the Gvonn Pact between Altivebrio and the Alconbria Liberation Council came into effect. The Gvonn Conference was held on April 3, 2008; which led to the creation of the two main parties; being the Alconbria People's Party and the Maldekstro Party, and decided that Paul del Santé would be the nation's first president, and Adolfo Machiavelli would be the Chief of Ministers.

Federal State of Alconbria

Main article: Alconbria

The Gvonn Conference

The Federal State of Alconbria was established on April 1, 2008, and it became a republic by adopting it's consitution on April 30, 2008. The First Cabinet of Alconbria was elected on April 2008, with most of them being members of the Starigo Verklagsregluro. In the final ALC meeting, it was decided that the ALC would be splitting into two parties - the Alconbria People's Party and the Maldekstro Party. President Paul del Santé decided that he will be a non-partisan.

Alconbria was admitted into the United Nations on 2 May, 2008. Alconbria then began bringing back the Alclonbrian refugees. However, there was a dispute between the native Indians, who were referred by the title Malpuro Alconbrians and the Alconbrians over land space, and the Metsarbarros Act was passed on July 2008, creating Metsarbarros for the Malpuros, where they would live free without Alconbrian interference.

However tensions began to rise after the Malpuro Laws were passed on August 2008, which was introduced by Laurel Copete, the Secretary of State and an APP member. Since then, a variety of discriminatory laws were passed by the Léialegis, aimed at dehumanizing the Malpuros. By December 2008, there were military police and military presence in the Metsarbarros, and according to the Native Party, a death a day.

But the rest of Alconbria saw a trememdous amount of development, transferring it into a First World city, and the only one in it's surroundings. Most of this was achieved through US and EU taxpayers' money.

Civil War

Main article: Alconbrian Civil War

President Paul del Santé died of pnuemonia on 19 January, 2011, thus moving the scheduled Presidential election from 2012 to 2011. Unable to find a suitable candidate, the Libertarian Party and the United Party formed a coalition and named economist and Minister of Revenue & Taxes Victor Staurakios as it's candidate. The leading party, the People's Party named former army general and current member of parliament, Ernesto Titeriez as it's candidate. The voting closed down on 26 January, and the results were announced on 31 January, announcing that Titeriez had narrowly won the elections with 53.2% of the votes.

However, before Titeriez could move into the vacant position, the Opposition, the coalition of Libertarian Party, United Party and the Reformist Party introduced an issue which sought to establish Staurakios as the President of the country. The bill was passed with votes 85-23, and Staurakios assumed presidency. The People's Party began a boycott of the Parliament.

Staurakios' liberal government was heavily criticized by the People's Party. Staurakios addressed social reforming, public education, public health, social upliftment in place of militarization, economy, money, defense or taking advantage of the oil-fields. These difference in ideologies created a political conflict, namely the Alconbrian Crisis, which further escalated after Reformist Party was dissolved, and the 2011 Budget removed money from military expenditure and allocated it towards religious tolerance and foreign relations.

The situation further worsened after Staurakios announced that he was in talks with the Mayan Liberation Front to create a sovereign state for the Maya people. The economy of Alconbria severely worsened.

The Finance Ministry's documents predicting a debt crisis and bankruptcy by 2014 were leaked, making people lose their trust on Staurakios' government. This diminished the public's liking towards Staurakios' government, hurting their national pride. On 25 November 2011, the nation held a referendum in which the public voted whether Staurakios should remain in power or not. The referendum was passed in favour of Staurakios's removal with an astonishing 93% voting yes. On 19 December of that year, the army along with members of the People's Party forcibly removed Staurakios from power after he refused to resign following the referendum. Staurakios was later executed.

The coup restored Ernesto Titeriez as the President of Alconbria. Titeriez responded by severely reducing expenditure on social welfare, and began improving the military. This severed the good relations of Alconbria between USA and it's allied, and Alconbria began losing funds from USA, but the EU still supported it, along with Russia.

The Malpuro Alconbrians undertook heavy protests and mass riots from August till it was wholly suppressed by the authorities by 30 December, 2012. The unrest led to subsequent reforms in Alconbria, which further alienated the Malpuro community, and legalized their oppression by the Alconbrians.


Military taking part in the coup

In 2013, the government was overthrown in a American sponsored coup d'état (2013 Alconbrian coup d'état). Former Chief of Minister Adolfo Machiavelli seized power, but the coup was repelled by midnight and Adolfo was publicly beheaded the same day.

After Titeriez refused Presidency on Medical grounds, the Léialegis held an election for the new President, and was won by Military General and one of Paul del Sante's protege, Augustin Voimer.



Total territorial control of Alconbria before World War III. Oragne is Alconbria, light orange is the puppet states and yellow is the CADC members.

Voimer increased military expenditure, and also began turning Alconbria into an international power. He helped Polisario Front defeat Morocco in the Five Months War, establishing the state of the Sahrawi Republic. He rescued Libyan leader Younes al-Ashraar from a US-backed coup in 2011, straining Alconbria's international relations.

Under Ernesto Titeriez, Alconbria intervened in the Myanma Civil War, and helped the Rohingya, Kachin and Shan rebels establish their own countries of Rohingyadesh, Kachin and Shan respectively. Though perceived as soverign, these countries actually served as Alconbrian client states. Alconbria also sent its troops to Sri Lanka to fight against the Sri Lankan government in the Sri Lankan Civil War, and helped the Tamils establish Tamil Eelam. The army also helped the Nigerian government in its fight against Boko Haram. and helped the incumbent president during the Second Ivorian Civil War.

Voimer continued Titeriez's policies regarding Syria, and sent the Alconbrian Armed Forces to help the reigning president, as well as participate in an allied operation against extremist terrorist outfits.

In 2014, Voimer began a policy of rapidly increasing territory to improve the economy, and attacked and captured Belize, Guatemala, Altivebrio, San Salvador and Nicaragua, and subsequently the entire Central and South American continent, establishing several puppet states subordinate to Alconbria. He also formed the Central American Defense Coalition with Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic as a regional collective defense and alliance organization.

Alconbria then pulled out of the United Nations, WTO and other supranational organizations.

On 2 December, 2014, the USA began it's UN approved invasion of Alconbria to depose Voimer as President, and it was accompanied by the NATO, Great Britain, France and South Africa. However, the failed to defeat the Alconbrians, and briefly occupied parts of Alconbria. Voimer signed the Treaty of New Alcacer in 2015, which allowed the Americans and the foreign invaders to put the regime change plan aside, but Alconbria would grant autonomy to the captured territories, and pay ransom money to the NATO countries. The Graham Plan was launched, and Alconbria and America divided up the borders of South America, creating new states.

However, Alconbria violated the Trearty of New Alcacer in July 2015, and quickly consolidated the puppet states, and became imperialistic. The United Countries of South America (UCSA) was established on 1 November, 2015, which was headed by Alconbria and included all South American countries captured by it.

In September, Alconbria intervened in the Second Angolan Civil War in the behalf of the PRNAB right-wing nationalist militants, and defeated both the government and left-wing guerilla forces by November 2016, and established the Christian Republic of Angola, under President Iko Eduardo, and former Alconbrian general Ralvo Mortennz as its Governor-General.

The Alconbrian Occupation Forces faced extensive opposition in South America, which resulted in a brief one month war in 2015 against three resistant militant organizations, which ended with Alconbria emerging victorious by brutally crushing organized revolts supported by the international countries. The War Command successfully passed the Population Control Bill in the Léialegis, which allowed for institutionalized extermination of non-Alconbrians.
